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The sorcerers Post

Annaliese Morgan

Hello everyone and welcome to another post. If you are new here my name is Annaliese and I bring magic into real life. Today we are returning to my teachings on psychic abilities, but if you enjoy my work, please subscribe to my newsletter and be sure to check out my books and The Moon Telegrams. Thank you.

How to Develop Psychic Abilities

Following on from a previous post Am I Psychic I wanted to move on and write about how we receive intuition and supernatural (psychic) guidance. It is this connection to the charmed part of ourselves and the cosmos at large which gives us inspired hunches and assists in offering psychic information. Inspired action is far superior to forcing or figuring out things on our strength alone and beats motivation… you don’t have to ‘motivate’ yourself to do anything if you are ‘in spirit,’ aka inspiration, it feels natural.

Being in alignment with the energies of the cosmos, your higher self and your guides allows you to receive vital and interesting information and knowledge from them. The charmed realm knows everything, they have the view from the mountain top as opposed to the view we have stood in the valley. When you don’t know what to do, reach out and ask because the charmed realm knows the answers and paths you seek - but - you need to know how to communicate with it and translate their messages. Most commonly they talk with you via intuition, symbols, and psychic guidance. Let me jump right in and give you the basics on how to do this. It will serve you well. 


Where does intuition (gut feeling, hunches) come from?

Intuition partially comes from reams and reams of information stored in the subconsciousness brain. It is also tied very closely to two of the portals in which we receive psychic guidance. Intuition tends to come more naturally to females than males, but both are equally capable. As you become more well versed in intuition, you often find you take intuitive (inspired) action without thinking, as well recognising (and trusting) those hunches quicker, clearer and more profoundly. The more you take note and acknowledge when you were right the stronger your intuition becomes. 


But I’m not a psychic? 

Oh, but you are. All humans are. It is how well you develop and practice the skills which determines your abilities.


Psychics and Mediums

The difference? As a psychic you receive information from your higher self, your guides and spirit (God, Allah, The Universe, Love, Charmed Realm, Pixie Dust… whatever name is on the door for you), and you can interpret (read) the energy of other human beings who are alive. Mediums do all of this too, plus they can converse with those who have passed away and moved over to the spirit realm from earth. Every medium is a psychic but not every psychic is a medium. Mediums at one time used to be known as clairvoyants. This is no longer the case as clairvoyance is actually a portal in which we download or receive information. 


How do we receive or download psychic guidance and information?

Everyone is different, and each person will have their own way of receiving, recognising and interpreting. You may begin to realise you have been doing this already perhaps unknowingly. Either way, have fun and spend time learning your own combination of skills.

There are four main ways. Usually, two of these are stronger and therefore we feel better at the said two than the others. Our two stronger skills can swap about to allow development of weaker ones but all four are available to us at all times.


Clairvoyance - ‘Clear Seeing.’ Often known as the third eye or mind’s eye. A person with this skill will, in their head, see images, colours, and symbols. Anything visual. This is open to interpretation, which is why practice is important to correctly translate the meaning of the symbolic images you are given. It plays out like a screen on the inside of your forehead. Some with this skill see orbs and spirit forms in normal waking life.


Clairaudience – ‘Clear Hearing.’ A person with this skill can hear voices, whispers, singing or sounds in general. It can sound like your own voice, an inner voice or the voice of a guide or spirit. The latter tends to be disjointed and difficult to understand as they have to lower their vibration in order for you to hear them. Clairaudience can also be received as ideas, thoughts or a block of a thought you unravel naturally, often through speech. 


Clairsentience – ‘Clear feeling.’ A person with this skill feels emotions in their body of others or from their supernatural guidance. Healers use this a lot to detect problem areas. It is also a great skill to use to underpin the other skills when interpreting. Example, you see an image of a suitcase being packed which could mean many things, but how does it feel, in your body? The solar plexus area (upper abdomen) is a common area to sense emotions and feelings. Intuition is intertwined with this skill. 


Claircognizance – ‘Clear Knowing.’ A person with this skill just knows things! They will know information or have a fully formed idea without fully understanding how. They are naturally very wise people. Again, intuition is intertwined with this skill.


There are also two other more rare forms some people experience. Clairalience ‘Clear smell.’ They receive guidance through smells given to them, and Clairgustance ‘Clear taste.’ They are given guidance through different tastes. 


Other ways guidance or ‘signs’ are communicated.

The Charmed Realm will always meet us where we are at and communicate in ways we can notice and understand. Here are some more to look out for as they will use a plethora of ways and platforms, in order for us to receive the right message at the right time in a way that is meaningful to us. 


Through journaling or free writing

Talking out loud to yourself

Via songs, books, articles, TV shows or films

Through other people and conversations

Through meditation

Social media posts


Symbols and numbers

Phone calls and text messages



I hope this has inspired you to research this incredibly fascinating and never ending topic further. I might offer classes on this in the future but as always you can send me questions on social media or email me. I will help where I can or point you in the right direction. I’m also excited to hear what combination of skills you have, so let me know! 


Fancy your own wand from Harry Potter? Do check out this beauty at The House of Spells.

If you’re intrigued by all things witchy, vampires, psychic abilities, ghosts, wand making, candle magic, signs from the cosmos, symbology, self-improvement, Egyptian magic and more, then you need the Moon Telegrams. More info here 

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