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The sorcerers Post

Annaliese Morgan

Hello everyone and welcome to another post. If you are new here my name is Annaliese and I bring magic into real life. Today I am writing about signs which can indicate you are psychic but if you enjoy my work please subscribe to my newsletter and be sure to check out my books and the Moon Telegrams.

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Am I Psychic?

I believe we are all born with psychic abilities… it’s to what level we develop these skills and gifts which enables us to recognise them and use them effectively. Whether we like it or not, we grow up in a factual corporate and educational-based society, psychic skills, the charmed realms and intuition are silenced. Pushed down until too many people are completely disconnected from both their mystical powers and their true selves. Psychics, unfortunately, can be seen as a con, false hope or the latest fortune teller attraction in seaside towns working in neon-lit booths. However, this is far removed from the truth given that you are reading this I’m assuming you believe. They are fakes and cons in anything of course, even in Versace. Yet much like wearing real Versace attire, once you have consulted with a genuine and talented psychic the benefits and amazement you will receive are undeniable.

A psychic is a person able to read energy. Everything in the universe, including us, is made of energy. A psychic can tap into this, read the energy of a person, place or thing and translate it into powerful messages, answers and understandings. 


I hope so.

If you’ve begun asking or secretly wondering if you are psychic then a heads up here, yes, you likely are but here are six common signs to offer you confirmation.

Signs you are psychic

Many signs and clues are letting you know you are psychic; my guess is you’ve been noticing one or two of them hence your hunch about having the sixth sense. In the future I will do a mini-series on the different psychic abilities, how to use them and which ones you have; however, let's start in the best place - the beginning, with the basics. Here are my six favourite signs that you might be psychic based on my own experience.

  1. You get hunches or a gut feeling

Natural psychics frequently experience hunches also known as the sixth sense, a gut feeling and intuition. It’s a sense of ‘for-knowing’ the future or the unknown, for example, ‘I knew that was going to happen’ or ‘I was right about that person or job’ and so on. Hunches don’t just offer warnings of what is not a good fit for you, they also let you know when something is right or offer guidance when you are unclear. I think most people are familiar with a feeling of knowing something is off about a place, a person or an event, despite there being no evidence to suggest this logically. Indeed, the opposite is also true, you can have a gut feeling towards something great, a business idea let’s say or a nudge to visit a certain café. Both turn out to be successful or enriching to your life, even if on the face of it, you couldn’t explain why. Remember energy doesn’t lie, words can.

   2. You know when someone is lying

You can spot cover-ups, lies and bull from a mile away. As a psychic, you naturally interpret a person’s or place’s energy first, not their words and hype. You can see through all the facades, masks and niceties which is helpful and can save you many heartaches and much trouble if you listen to this. You can sense and read hidden emotions from others. Meaning, the person may be saying one thing but you’re hearing something else or sensing the real truth. Trust what you sense, if you think they are lying they probably are! What you do after that is then up to you.

   3. You are empathic

Being empathic or highly sensitive can be both a blessing and a curse. Psychics are very sensitive and absorbent to others’ emotions and energy which can be exceptionally draining. Have you noticed after spending time with people, perhaps it’s just certain people or in certain places (particularly busy and crowded areas like shopping malls) you come away feeling flat, drained, tired or unwell? You can also take on the energy and the problem or another. In. these cases it is important to learn what is energy and belongs to you, what doesn’t and how to protect yourself.

   4. You can see or sense auras 

Every single thing on planet Earth has an energy around it or a force. This aura or energy field almost glows around them and contains all the information about a person’s state… their emotions, their thoughts and physical capacities. To most people the aura is invisible but a psychic, especially those who possess the clairvoyance skill (clear seeing) can see these auras, usually as different colours. The colours all represent different meanings and relay current (real-time) information about the said individual’s state. Not all psychics see the colours of auras. It may be that you can sense and translate the energy field without the visual. Either way, you can see or sense auras.

    5. Animals are drawn to you, or you connect with them easily

Animals rely on their instincts and sixth sense to survive, live quality lives and reproduce. An animal's inner intuition offers them guidance, protects them and provides knowledge to their souls on how to do tasks without being told or shown. Just watch any wild animal either in real life or on the screen… how do they know how to do all that they do? If you love animals and feel deeply connected to them this is a sign of your otherworldly abilities. Most likely you will also find they are drawn to you too. Horses may come to the fence when you are there, agitated animals become calm around you or your friends' pets always come to you. You may feel you have an ability to understand them or find yourself following a career with wildlife or pets. This affinity with animals is very common with psychic people.

6. You’ve had a paranormal experience or strange occurrences 

If you are psychic, the chances are you have experienced or witnessed something paranormal or unexplainable in your life. This can be as an adult or child and can happen any time of the day or night and in any place. It might be subtle, large or anywhere in between but regardless of the event or odd thing, it stopped you in your tracks, made you question it and you’ve never been able to explain it with logic or science. You may recall as you look back over your life you had a strong sense of your skills as a child or teenager. It is super common to experience these paranormal events as youngsters. Children are more open, accepting and believing of these scenarios as they have yet to have our adult nonsense rules or limiting beliefs cast onto them and therefore only see/hear/feel/know the truth. 

Never discount a child’s ghostly encounter or spirited stories.

How many of these can you relate to? Will you delve into this fascinating realm further? Join me and others in future editions of The Witches Post as we learn this vast topic further but if you wish to know more beforehand, please do get in touch with me. Either via email or on social media and I will do my best to help you!


If you’re intrigued by all things witchy, vampires, psychic abilities, ghosts, wand making, candle magic, signs from the cosmos, symbology, self-improvement, Egyptian magic and more, then you need the Moon Telegrams. More info here 

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