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The sorcerers Post

Annaliese Morgan

Hello everyone welcome to another post. If you are new here my name is Annaliese and I bring magic into real life. Today I have another fictional post, snippets from a new ongoing series, but if you enjoy my work please subscribe to my newsletter and be sure to check out my books and the Moon Telegrams.

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Energy Doesn't lie

Recently I have found people, places and things to be a mixed bag. Discerning who and what gets to be in your universe is important, if not vital, and the most reliable way to ascertain whether a person, place or thing stays or goes, is its energy. You can trust how energy makes you feel (good, bad, drained, scared for example), as energy, unlike people, cannot lie. We can’t always distance ourselves from a person or situation, nor remove everything unwanted and avoid daily hoo-ha. What we do have control over, however, is our own energy centre and energy field. Protection of this is key to avoiding being the victim of other people’s stuff or a place’s vibe.


If we look at nature, everything has a core at its centre. There is a 'core' from which it grows as a youngster or seedling and its individual energy beams out from that place. For example, cut a tomato, an orange, a pepper, an apple or a cabbage in half, and you will find a central core where its frequency (its energy) radiates out. Humans and animals work in the same way.


These frequencies, even of fruits and vegetables, can be detected by a machine (these can be readily purchased) and its frequency recorded. This is then translated into its equivalent sound frequency, creating an audio we can hear. The sound of a pineapple's energy is simply stunning and so happy and proof that any living thing is more than its visible self. We radiate our energy out from our core centre too and this cloud of energy is mostly unseen to the eye, un-smelt by the nose and untouchable by the hand. Yet it is as real as the skin on your hand and extends far beyond the physical body.


The size of a human energy field extends six-ten feet in front of us, behind us, to our left side, the right side, above and below. This is a large area; we take up far more space than we think. If we are around others, it can be tricky to define where our energy ends and the other person begins, causing the mixing and blending of various energy fields. Think of being in a car, a plane, the tube and all those individual energy fields mixing. We often get the measure of someone before they even speak, because we read energy first, then listen to words. The former is more trustworthy, and it is prudent to listen to hunches and energy over words.


Our energy fields are one reason we pick up on others' personalities and intentions. It is also how our mood or state can suddenly change. Being around a negative, toxic or mismatch for too long can lead one to feeling drained, sapped, tired, moody and exhausted. These people are known as energy vampires and I will write about those delightful dudes a different time! 

Emotions can also leak out of our fields into the environment. Did you get on the bus feeling excited and left feeling upset? The person sitting in the seat before was likely sad and you have absorbed it.


Hopefully, you agree that protecting your energy daily is beneficial... I have handy tips below to show you how! This practice will save you time, health and your sanity. Remember also to always ask yourself if your feelings and emotions are actually yours, and not those of another person's you have unknowingly absorbed. I’ve gotten caught out numerous times thinking I had an issue, but as it turned out, I didn't. I had taken the problem on from another and thought it was mine.


Five tips on how to protect your energy


1.    Stand at least six feet away from a person you find difficult, draining or negative. Alternatively, place as much of a gap as you can between you both.

2.    If your mood has suddenly changed, say to yourself or out loud 'Remove anything that is not mine.' This will allow guiding forces to remove any emotions and energy that don't belong to you.

3.    Zip up - before entering a situation or being around tricky people, imagine yourself cocooned in a black sleeping bag or woollen coat (the item should cover your whole head and feet too) and say to yourself zip up. Visualise the coat or sleeping bag being zipped up. This prevents our energy from leaking out and others encroaching on it.

4.    Before leaving the house, imagine a bright white bubble around yourself which stays with you all day. This is an alternative to zipping up.

5.    Stay away from shopping malls and busy places if you are super empathic (i. e pick up other people's emotions) 


If you would like more about protecting your energy, send me an email or there is plenty online and in books. 




Auras are a small section of this energy field seen with the human eye. It's like a glow around the human body. In various colours, it moves like smoke, around, up and down the surface of the body about an inch wide. The colours have symbolic meanings and often correspond with the individual chakras. For example, if someone has a blue aura, this can be related to the throat chakra, which reflects communication, speaking, voice, self-expression, and creativity. Entertainers of all kinds and artists will often have blue auras as they are essentially communicators through their work. The colours can change, as can their intensity, and everyone can see their own aura as well as that of others. If you want to know how to see your own aura, you are in luck! 


Everyone can see an aura with practice, but some find it easier than others. Those who are more clairvoyant (clear-seeing) find this easier. Much has been written on auras, and it's worth researching more and practising the skill if it interests you. There's nothing quite like it when you see that colourful smokey energy around the body, and it makes one understand how our thoughts, feelings and emotions are transmitted from us without words. Experienced aura readers can tell you a lot about yourself just by viewing your aura.


How to see your own aura


  • Be in a quiet and darkened room. 
  • Night time is best so little, or no light is creeping in from behind the curtains.
  • Stand in front of a mirror. 
  • Stare just above your head and hold the gaze or stare just behind your shoulder and hold the gaze. 
  • Look past the body or head, not directly at it. 
  • After a time, and with practice, you will see parts or all of your aura.


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