Dear Rock Angel
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Hello everyone and welcome to another post. If you are new here my name is Annaliese and I bring magic into real life. Today I have an inspirational post for you about witches and how they and their help an be underrated or dismissed. If you enjoy my work please subscribe to my newsletter and be sure to check out my books and the Moon Telegrams.
I intend this to be an inspiring post for you, especially if you are manifesting change in your life. This is from my experience only, but I have witnessed the points I write about work countless times in other peoples’ lives too. Many teachers and stories, from ancient to modern, inform us of the same. A quick Google search or trip to the library will support what I am casting here.
While there are many facets, choices and nuances to making a change and deciding the details of said change, the basics of creation remain the same for every individual. Irrespective of circumstances and the required outcomes.
Two elements I find essential to get shit moving are seemingly small, if not semantics, but they are powerful and alter the trajectory.
Stop trying to create change or trying to do whatever it is you are seeking to bring into your life. “There is no try” as Yoda and the writers of Star Wars tell us – “we do or we do not”. Trying is iffy diluted energy, not much better than doubt itself. It won’t make anything work with ease, speed or indeed at all, other than keep you in a constant state of trying hard and frustration. The remedy is an easy fix, stop telling yourself (and stating to others) you are trying to…
Despite not ‘seeing’ or ‘experiencing’ your desire yet, plant your feet and broomstick firmly in your truth with a confident backbone. You are a tennis player not trying to be one for example. You are changing your job not trying to is another example.
My firm favourite surrounds solid decision making. This means a proper firm -nomatterwhat decision. This is different to choosing your desired goal or preferring it. Once you are clear and committed, your mind will take you to it and the universe will come towards you with it simultaneously.
I find the words of W.H. Murray born in 1913 profound and have included it below.
― W.H. Murray The Scottish Himalayan Expedition
For anything to change in life your thoughts, inner conversations and energy must change first. Your internal world is the cause of the miracles you hope will be granted to you. Next time you are feeling complex, downhearted, fearful or longing for a desire to manifest consider this, you don’t need a miracle, patience or a specific person… you need to decide. Stop wavering and call on the sorcery of your own imagination and mind. It will lead the way.
Spreading the sorcery love
Have you read my witchy/magic realism YA book STAY WILD?
If you’re intrigued by all things witchy, vampires, psychic abilities, ghosts, wand making, candle magic, signs from the cosmos, symbology, self-improvement, Egyptian magic and more, then you need the Moon Telegrams. Click for more details
When you're feeling all human and complicated, you need The Sorcerers Post – your twice-weekly escape into the charmed realm.
Explore supernatural teachings, candid diary entries about mystically navigating life, and enjoy the enchanting fictional world of The Tabatha Tribune. Who knows? You might even find a spell or two.