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The sorcerers Post

Annaliese Morgan

Hello everyone and welcome to another post. If you are new here my name is Annaliese and I bring magic into real life. Today I have a witchy wandering post for you about how I lost two rings in a London tube station with zero chance of getting them back. Enter the power of revision…

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The Lost Rings

I wear a lot of jewellery, and part of my accessory attire is numerous rings. These are almost always silver and gothic or alchemy in style. I own some unusual and fascinating pieces. Some are expensive, some not, but all have meaning for me. I have long lived by the rule to spend my currency energy wisely and therefore, I don’t buy anything unless it means something to me or brings me happiness. On this particular day of the lost rings, I was using the Tube in London and decided to use the bathroom at my destination station. Redoing my hair in the mirror, I did something I never do. I took off two of my rings as they kept catching and pulling my hair. I placed the rings on the work surface as I tendered to my bouffant, added fresh eyeliner before leaving to go on my merry way. 


It wasn’t until an hour later I realised I hadn’t put the two rings back on and my heart plummeted to Australia. I promptly abandoned where I was and hurtled back to the Tube station. All the way there I kept envisioning and affirming my rings were still on the countertop all safe. One of the rings, a dragon in pure silver which I’ve had for over 25 years, is as important as air to me and the other, with a red stone, is a piece of chunky cool from Afflecks in Manchester. I could buy the red stone ring or a similar one again. It didn’t cost a fortune, but it wasn’t the point. The dragon ring, I would never get again, and it was one of the first alternative rings I bought. Odd as it may sound, it's almost become like an amulet to me, a dragon no one else can touch. I loved both of these rings and was devastated I’d left them. 

I thundered to the ladies, hopeful my rings would be there, positive I’d worked my magic.

But I had not.


The countertop was empty and no sign of them anywhere.


Motionless for a good minute, I stood in disbelief before frantically asking the station guards on the ticket styles and the platforms if they had seen them, but nothing. No one had heard about them or come across them, and certainly, no one had handed them in. I mean, why would they? It’s London… and a busy Tube station at that, plus, they were good rings for the thief to either wear themselves or to sell. 


I was fuming with myself for leaving them and making such a rookie mistake. Livid at the person who took them, it felt like my personal space had been invaded, but most of all, I was disappointed my mystical ways had not worked. Magic failed me in my moment of need, it seemed. Disappointed, I returned to life wearing different rings and tried not to think about the lost ones. 


For the next three days, I couldn’t think about the situation for too long as it spun me into regretful anger, but then, I remembered revision. Not the exam kind, the Neville Goddard kind. Revision is a profound technique described decades ago by the goat himself, Neville Goddard, and can literally change the past and your future.


In brief, one replays or relives the said unwanted situation in imagination and then re-imagines the scenario as they would have liked the outcome to be – NOT as it happened. For example, in this case, in my imagination, I saw myself in front of the mirror re-doing my hair just as I had that day, but this time, when I’d finished, I picked up my rings from the countertop and placed them back on my fingers. I then saw myself walk out of the station and into London at large, normal and content. I repeated this scene in my head on a loop until it felt real. 


Revision is powerful, underused and underrated. It provides an opportunity to change circumstances into what you wish would have happened. It can be applied to anything from an argument, a breakup, an accident, or missed flights to even growing up in poverty. Revise your past/event/situation in your mind by visualising the outcome how you wish it had gone, or life had been. You will come to find the original event becomes blurry, people don’t remember or change, and circumstances alter to fit the new imagined outcome. 


Try it, it’s frankly remarkable. I will put a link to Neville’s books at the end, although you can find information and audio footage of him speaking on the topic easily online and on YouTube. Many modern-day success stories on revision are widely available and are well worth reading. It’s a technique I have used several times. It never fails to leave me in awe. Albeit on this occasion, I was less than convinced I would be reunited with my rings, believing they were gone for good.


A few days later, I returned to the same Tube station and revisited the bathroom. Still no rings, but a guard who I’d previously asked about the rings happened to be cleaning the area. I inquired by chance again if she had seen any rings.


She recalled me from the previous occasion but to my surprise, she replied with yes, she believed someone handed them in just after I had asked her before (over an hour after they had been taken). I was sent to the office to see a different lady who had me describe the rings before declaring “Yes! They are here.” She opened the office door and, sure enough, my two rings were sitting on a shelf next to a pile of papers and a coffee mug. 


“I came in this morning,” the lady said, and “there they were.”


I have never felt so floaty and relieved. The guards, who, by now, were fully aware of my story, were shouting across the platforms to colleagues, pointing at me, yelling ‘The rings, the rings! Everyone was struck, both by the rings themselves, and by my tale, and it all ended well.


I walked out of the station wearing my rings like normal and content, just as I had seen in my imagination during my revision technique.


Magic does work after all.


Spreading the sorcery love


Link To Neville Goddard's book PLUS check out these witchy/magic realism reads both set in London

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